Liquidity Provider

How does liquidity work at Debets?

It is used against bets from other players. This liquidity is used to pay players' bets when they win. If the player loses, the liquidity pool wins the wager.

What is the incentive for me to add liquidity?

The house edge in all games is higher than 2% for liquidity provider. We have all heard the mantra that the House always wins. Debets bridges the world of igaming and DeFi to empower any liquidity provider to play the role of the house.

What will “being the House” look like for a liquidity provider ?

A player puts a erc20 token into the “pool” and receives “LP tokens” proportional to their share of the pool. As the house wins [or loses] tokens, the value of the house pool fluctuates along with the value of the LP tokens. LP tokens can be exchanged back for erc20 token when desired.

Can I add a liquidity pool using any erc20 token?

Yes! But If you are the first to add liquidity, you need to create a contract to activate this token.

As a liquidity provider, will I lose all my liquidity in one bet?

The maximum payout is capped at 1% of the liquidity pool against each bet.

Last updated